

Battles are Won in Training

Battles are Won in Training

Posted by Matt Little on 6th Dec 2019

Sun Tzu in his work The Art of War famously said that “Every battle is won or lost before it is ever fought.” When your skills are tested, whether in conflict or competition, you won’t somehow magical … read more


Posted by Matt Little on 28th Oct 2019

What are the standards you hold yourself to and why?I went through SFAS as a young man, sure of my abilities but largely untested. I had never wanted anything the way I wanted to pass that test. I dev … read more
The GreyBeards

The GreyBeards

Posted by Matt Little on 3rd Oct 2019

By the end of my SF career, my team was one of the oldest in group. Probably one of the oldest in regiment. My team sergeant had hunted SCUDs in the gulf war in Fifth Group and my commander holds the … read more
Freedom and Cost

Freedom and Cost

Posted by Matt Little on 11th Sep 2019

Freedom. Today is September 11th. 9/11. Eighteen years after the towers fell. Eighteen years of war. Eighteen years of America’s best and brightest spending their youth fighting for our freedom on fo … read more


Posted by Matt Little on 6th Sep 2019

Addiction. I was just on Josh Froelich’s podcast “Addicted,” and the premise of his show made me do some self-reflecting. Josh is both a phenomenal athlete (world IPSC shotgun champion and former prof … read more