

Test and Retest

Test and Retest

Posted by Matt Little on 21st Jan 2019

I had an interesting conversation with a group of friends recently on the best methodology for training, specifically for pistolcraft. A USPSA GM buddy of mine was of the opinion that you should solel … read more
“Momento Mori”

“Momento Mori”

Posted by Matt Little on 13th Dec 2018

I had a good friend nicknamed “Happy,” on my team in Basra in 2004. In typical fashion, we called him Happy because he was dolorous and grim. Happy survived the ambush at “Green 19” and the day we … read more
Sooner Not Faster

Sooner Not Faster

Posted by Matt Little on 15th Nov 2018

When I finally began to compete in action shooting sports, after literally over a decade of urging from some fellow soldiers and policemen who competed, I did so with a certain unconscious arroganc … read more