

The Way is in Training

The Way is in Training

Posted by Matt Little on 15th Aug 2019

Miyamoto Musashi was a renowned warrior in feudal Japan. He fought sixty duels to the death and saw combat in six large scale battles. In his old age he codified his strategy and philosophy in several … read more
Competition and Combat

Competition and Combat

Posted by Matt Little on 14th Jun 2019

Competition and combat. At this point, much like the debate over an instructor’s experience, you would think we’d have this sorted out. But we obviously do not. On one hand I see guys who’ve never bee … read more
Train for the Fight

Train for the Fight

Posted by Matt Little on 26th May 2019

I talk a lot about training like an athlete. I hold fast in my belief that our training methodology is what holds us back from reaching our desired level of skill as efficiently as possible. People co … read more
Selection is a Never Ending Process

Selection is a Never Ending Process

Posted by Matt Little on 3rd May 2019

I’ve been through several selection processes in my life. Some extremely difficult, some less so, but all important to me. I’ve helped run two, both of which I considered extremely difficult for the o … read more


Posted by Matt Little on 20th Feb 2019

Experience. What kind of experience and how much of it matters? This topic is often a heated debate in firearms and tactics training. And, it’s really not such a simple question is it?We are well into … read more